Find out more about our trail system and how we maintain it.
Firing the starting cannon - 2023 Yellowstone Rendezvous
The Forest Service, City of West Yellowstone, and WestYellowstone Ski Education Foundation are proud to continue to work together to provide quality skiing opportunities to our community members and visitors.
The U.S. Forest Service regulates the use of National Forest System lands and is charged with meeting management objectives to provide for multiple use, including a variety of recreation uses. Meeting needs of a growing population of recreation visitors utilizing Rendezvous Trail System provides economic benefit to the local community and fosters an appreciation of our natural resources and its compliance with the goals and objectives outlined in the Gallatin National Forest Land Use and Management Plan.
In other words, the Rendezvous Trail System was created to offer recreational opportunities for our community members and visiting tourists. This in turn helps the economic prospects of our community during the winter season.